The Title

June 1st, 2024
   This website is just kind of a space for me to lay out my thoughts and creations as I make them. I was hoping to do a sort of gimmick about the flower growing as I feel I make significant improvements to my skills or my life. I'm hoping I can stick with it using this as a sort of guide. I have a segment added to signify the creation of this website! I think as I edit it and add some artwork it'll be a lot more welcoming.
June 2nd, 2024
   Today I decided to archive some bookmarks from Twitter, which are mainly a lot of drawings from artists I like but there are quite a few tutorials I saved for later. I followed one from the user celestialmaze (@cmzw_) which I completed in like an hour. It was a lot of fun learning a little bit about a new program, Material Maker! I had some experience in Substance Designer but I've never done anything with math functions like time and such that this tutorial makes use of. Anyways, my understanding of shaders has grown just a tiny bit more, albeit just through node systems.

   Another thing, I looked at my website on my phone the other day, and it's all a little messed up. I honestly don't want to mess with the flower animation too much and I know I'll have to fix how it's positioned once I make another update to this though. Anyway, just look at it on your PC if you want it to look nice lol.